Packed with vitamins, minerals and bioactive compounds.
Contains potent antioxidants that offer health-protective effects.
Bioactive compounds may contribute to reduced inflammation.
May protect against certain types of cancer. Example: Breast, prostate, gastric/stomach, colorectal, renal/ kidney, and bladder.
Antioxidants and fiber may aid blood sugar control.
May support heart health in a variety of ways.
Promotes healthy digestion and reduced constipation.
May slow mental decline and support healthy brain function.
May help slow the aging process.
Vitamin C content supports a healthy immune system.
May support dental and oral health.
May promote healthy bones and joints.
Nutrient content may support a healthy pregnancy.
May protect your skin from sun damage.
The Bottom Line
Broccoli is a nutrient-rich vegetable that may enhance your health in a variety of ways, such as by reducing inflammation, improving blood sugar control, boosting immunity and promoting heart health.
However, keep in mind that good health doesn't come from any single food. Broccoli is merely one of the numerous healthy foods that can contribute to optimal health.
Including this nutritious vegetable in your healthy, balanced diet may help you achieve your health goals more easily.